Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Unit 2 - Materials, Techniques and Processes

Task 1 - Create How-tos on a range of Materials, Techniques and Processes in your blog

Our first task of this unit was to develop 12 how to videos about different software or subjects to do with art and design and would be suitable for our course and not be something that isn't relevant. This was really good for us to learn as it shows our knowledge on these different programs and allows us to keep learning these techniques and programs for the future. I aimed for these tutorials to be very basic for people using the programs for the first time and for them to find quick and simple tutorials on different tools and aspects of the program so that they could understand what to do for the program.

Below are my 12 tutorials on different programs such as Gamemaker, Photoshop and Unity, a 3D game engine that we've been using. We also did a health and safety tutorial to show the different rules of working around in the area and added a funny twist to it. Below are also the different playlists for the different programs that I've made on Youtube and also the health and safety video.

Photoshop Tutorials

Gamemaker Tutorials

Unity Tutorials

Health and Safety Video

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